Stand Up for Gay Rights


It is one of those heart breaking moments, just like when I said goodbye to my families and came to Australia about 7 years ago, it was hard but I did it and ever since I never regret that I take this big step in my life.

I cried when I watched this video clip and it was just simply because I am one of those victims myself, it was at Hong Kong, Bangkok, Shanghai, Hanoi, Paris, Singapore and Brisbane, everytime I couldn’t help myself tearing when I say goodbye to my lover. Being in this sort of long distance bi-national relationship, it is for sure not easy.

Once I decided to give up and then I was back in the loop again. I don’t usually throw myself in any sort of gay rights actitivies as I think being homosexual is just a personal issue, it has nothing to do with the others and especially being judged by the public, and now I understand the importance of being who we are and the reason why people are constantly fighting for their rights.

Please don’t wait to set your dreams in motion, start here and start now to make our world a better place.

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Somewhere in Between

the joy of life moment